Council President Cindy Thomas

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4th Ward Councilwoman 
Cindy Thomas

I am a Roselle homeowner of over 25+ years with my husband and 4 adult children. Beyond my full-time job, I am a successful minority female business owner of a trucking company. I ground myself in giving back to the community and helping others. Aside from my position on council I was previously elected as a Roselle Board of Education member. Currently, I serve as the council liaison to the Board of Health and also a member of the Roselle Democratic Committee. 

I seek to be an advocate with defined priorities to effectively bring about change to our town’s complex problems. Please don’t hesitate to reach me for any questions or concerns. 

Council Committees:

  • Recreation (Chair)
  • Governance (Chair)
  • Department of Public Works
  • Redevelopment 
Board Liaisons:
  • Board of Health